Camp Meeting in Blaubeuren, Germany – 2018

“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

After a trip in the hot summer heat through a countryside showing clear signs of drought, this theme was a welcome contrast. For weeks the temperatures in Germany had been extraordinarily high. In the prior week they even climbed above 30°C a few times. Everywhere there was talk about the effects of this heat wave – but Christ is the fountain of living waters; here we find life in abundance. We clearly sensed the need to draw from this well and be refreshed. Sunday and Monday were quite warm, but bearable. However, when we woke up on Tuesday, it was cool and rainy. And so began days of ideal temperatures for such meetings. While in the rest of Germany, including within the surrounding 100 km, temperatures rose to nearly 39°C, God granted us a comfortable 24°C. Should we not be thankful for this?   

God gave us His Word in doctrine and practical applications, exactly what we need in this day and age. Several testified that before this they had gone through great trials and difficulties, but during these meetings they had become encouraged and strengthened. The Word was our comfort, our compass, but also our admonishment and instruction. We started each day by having morning devotions together, after which we had a morning service. The afternoon services were partially testimony services or used for special services for certain age groups. There was then another service in the evening. Many from the different congregations made various contributions in the organization of the services. There was a lot of singing and a lot of praying. God blessed us with a very familiar, relaxed atmosphere of love. Because no one needed to worry about food or accommodations, we could enjoy every moment and allow God to fill our souls. For many, the heavenly goal and following Christ according to the Bible became more of a priority in their lives.

On Thursday, the main topic was the great privilege of divine healing. The abundance of the promises and faith, as well as healing accounts in Scripture and from the present age encouraged many to seek divine healing for their own illnesses. The accounts from those who experienced divine healing during the last camp meeting were touching. It is wonderful that we can experience the fulfillment of divine promises even today.

Even though this was the 4th camp meeting we were able to attend, there were still many opportunities to meet others from other congregations for the first time. Many children and young people had come, which delighted the hearts of the elderly (Zechariah 8:4–5).

We returned home with thankful hearts. Many stated their intention of again attending next year from August 17th–24th, 2019 in Blaubeuren. Additional accounts, pictures and information can be found at   

Hermann Vogt

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