Children's Corner

The Mystery of the Seed

Have you ever seen how a small seed is planted in the ground and later green leaves grow from it? The seed disappears, and in its place, a new plant grows that can produce many […]

Children's Corner

The Meaning of the Cross

Nicholas was thoughtful. He had noticed that there were crosses in several places in his little town. A shiny cross was on the roof of the town church. At the edge of the forest, there […]

Children's Corner

Laura gives her heart to Jesus

For some time now, Laura has been thinking about a particular illustration from her children’s Bible. It shows Jesus standing at a door, knocking. Mom had read aloud the words of Jesus: “Behold, I stand […]

Children's Corner

The Snow Blanket

It is winter, and it is very cold outside. Yesterday everything was still gray. Eight-year-old Nicholas and his five-year-old sister Laura really wanted it to snow.  Little did they know that their wish would come […]

Children's Corner

The Mission of Christmas

Mrs. Cole held her hand over the telephone. “Quiet, please,” she mouthed to her children, before she continued talking to her friend on the phone.   “No, Jana, do not worry about it. I am so […]

Children's Corner

I Know Where I Am Going!

Hans was a real boys’ boy.  His father and mother often said, “Hans, Hans, where is this going to end!” But Hans couldn’t help himself. If there was a prank to be played anywhere, he […]

Children's Corner

Be Grateful in All Things

Mr. Vladimir had gone to town to pick up some boxes and bags of donated items that he was supposed to distribute in his small, remote, poor village in Russia. After everything had been loaded, […]

Children's Corner

The Bible

God’s Word on Paper When I travel, I always take a Bible with me. One is so small that it fits in my jacket pocket. The people of Israel were also to have the Word […]

Children's Corner

David’s Assurance of Victory

“And David took [the armor] off” 1 Samuel 17:39b David was ready to fight the seemingly overpowering giant Goliath. King Saul wanted to equip him in the best possible way for this battle, so he […]

Children's Corner

The Yellow Note

It was 1:00 pm. At that moment, the school bell rang, indicating the end of the school day. The students packed up their schoolbags and prepared to go home. Suddenly, the teacher stopped me with […]