“And behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was.” (Matthew 2:9)
Matthew tells us that certain wise men from the East travelled a great distance in search of the new King of the Jews. They followed an unusual star in the sky to Jerusalem. In Jerusalem, they learned from King Herod and the religious leaders where the Messiah would be born. Once the wise men received this information, the star realigned itself to lead them to Jesus in Bethlehem. God used the star and His word as a combined compass to lead the searching hearts to their King.
In some ways, God still uses this combination to lead searching hearts to Him. All those who have salvation and live for Jesus are called to be stars in His kingdom. Jesus says in Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” When I think back on my life, I can certainly recall the men and women who shone as lights in my past to lead me to Jesus.
I found the Church of God in Aylmer through my siblings who had already started coming to the services regularly. I was invited to the Christmas Eve service in 2004, which I attended. Thereafter, I began to attend services on a semi-regular basis and to read God’s Word at home. I found the Lord at the Flint Fest in 2005 at the age of 16, after an evangelistic service led by Br. Elke. My siblings, the Aylmer church family, and those who served with the Word became Bethlehem stars in my life who used their light and God’s Word to lead me to Jesus.
Who were the Bethlehem stars in your life that God used to bring you to Jesus? Surely every Christian can think of someone. And what about you? Doesn’t God want to use you to shine as a bright star so that others can find their way to the King of Kings?
David Knelsen
Hamilton, Ontario
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