thermometer and hydrometer in golden frame
Foundation of Faith

Anything but Lukewarm!

In a parking lot that I frequently use, there is often a car with the license plate “LAU-7xx.” “Lau” is the German word for lukewarm. When I drive past the car, a song by Bro. […]

Foundation of Faith

I Will Be With You

God said to the young Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). Thus God […]

Children's Corner

The Snow Blanket

It is winter, and it is very cold outside. Yesterday everything was still gray. Eight-year-old Nicholas and his five-year-old sister Laura really wanted it to snow.  Little did they know that their wish would come […]


My Beginning

I would like to write a short testimony to the glory of God, because the Lord has really done great things for me. I grew up in East Germany under communism. We were taught that […]


Promises for the New Year

Looking ahead into the new year can feel overwhelming. We don’t know what this coming year will bring, but instead of allowing these unknowns to make us anxious or fearful about tomorrow, we can place […]

Foundation of Faith

With the LORD All Things Begin!

With the LORD all things begin!As a child, trust Him foreverOn thy own strength building never,Humbly keep from pride and sin. Refrain (Repeat)With the LORD all things begin.With the LORD all things begin!Jesus as thy […]

Foundation of Faith

In the Beginning…

Everything has a beginning. The first words in the Bible are: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). And John writes: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word […]