God is Unchanging – Even this Year?

Our spiritual forefathers, the great heroes of the faith that came before us, lived with a deep conviction: God does not change. They trusted the divine promises, submitted to the Holy Word of God in all things, and experienced the abundance of divine blessings. God revealed deep mysteries to them; they followed the path of this knowledge and conquered the vastness of the spiritual Canaan. They lived holy lives, and God manifested Himself powerfully among them.

Has our God changed in the last 100 or maybe even in the last 50 years? What does the Word of God tell us? Malachi 3:6 says, “For I am the Lord, I do not change.” James testifies of God: “with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning” (James 1:17). Everything visible becomes obsolete and passes away, but God never changes. There is no power, in heaven or on earth, that can cause God to change. Do you believe that?

Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” And of His Word, Christ says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away” (Matthew 24:35). This statement is so important that it is repeated in three gospels. In Psalm 89:34, we read: “My covenant I will not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips.” The three-times holy God, who is the Truth, testifies to us of His immutability and the eternal validity of His Word. Do you truly believe Him?

We live in terrible times today. Sin is as prevalent in our society as it was in Sodom and the surrounding areas during Abraham’s time. Could sin stop God from revealing Himself so wonderfully in Abraham’s life and having a close relationship with him?

The sin of the Canaanites cried out to heaven, and God purposely led His people directly into this very area. He ordered them to fight against everything unholy and pagan, forbidding them any association or tolerance. As long as they walked the path of truth with all their hearts, God gave them victory. Why then did God hide Himself from them? Was it because of the ungodliness of the Philistines and Canaanites, or was it because of an iolatrous king and the people who burned incense to Balaam with him? But could this sin and unfaithfulness prevent God from revealing Himself powerfully on Mount Carmel through the man of God Elijah?

Yes, the spirits of paganism are unleashed today and spreading their deadly influence for all to see. Do we see the similarities to the seething cauldron of pagan idolatry that Paul encountered in Ephesus? The superstition of that time was an important industry. People were enslaved by the wild lust of the flesh, went astray in the philosophy of the Greeks, and lived in the dull blindness of their hearts (see Ephesians 4:17-19). And yet Paul was able to write triumphantly to the brothers in Corinth that God had opened to him a great door bearing much fruit (1 Corinthians 16:8-9).

Do we believe that God cannot manifest Himself as in days of old? Has God changed? Can sin today triumph over and subdue the power of God? Are we convinced of the immutability of God, and do we believe in eternal victory over all the powers of sin and hell?

Praise the Lord! He is still the same today! His power is unbroken, His triumph unchanged. He still redeems sinners and sanctifies His children. He gives victory and fills life with joy. His Spirit leads into hidden truths. He hears us when we call on Him and helps us. There is not a single promise of God that He does not fulfill. No one can be harmed today who trusts completely in this Almighty Father.

What indescribable love God has shown us so far. With great patience, He has carried you and me thus far. How gentle is His voice, how gentle is His fatherly hand when He chastises us. It is only the Spirit of God who works and keeps awake in us the desire for a deeper experience with God.

It is the unchanging will of God to show Himself mightily in the lives of His children. Therefore, with the courage of faith, we can give up all human crutches and our own strength and give space to the power of God in our lives. What glories God will lead us to when He has complete freedom to shape our lives according to His will!

We get to live with Him every day and ask Him for help and advice, even in the smallest things. By walking with the Savior, every day becomes a feast for our souls, even when our tears are falling and our feelings are hurt. In Him is fullness of joy. Those who came before us witnessed and experienced this. Thank God we too can stand in this grace today!

Hermann Vogt

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