“Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, ‘One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.’” (Mark 10:21)
When we look at Jesus’ conduct here on Earth, we see that He was always interested in individual people. He had come to seek and save that which was lost, not in a generalized way, but for the individual, for you and me. When we consider who Jesus is, where He came from, and what it cost Him, we can’t help but be amazed!
He, the God of creation, left everything, sacrificed Himself – and came to this world for me! This God is He who spreads out the universe with its countless billions of galaxies. Among them is our Milky Way, which is only a tiny dot with about 100 billion stars. One of these stars is the sun, small and inconspicuous compared to the whole. Orbiting around the sun is a small planet that we call Earth, on which over eight billion people live. And yet this God, who is so great and sublime, came through all these infinite expanses – and is looking for me! He came to help me, to love me, and to save me. And that doesn’t just apply to me – but also to you! Who can believe it; where does our amazement end?
Everyone who experienced Jesus experienced Him in a very personal way. The shepherds who were the first to arrive after His birth were forever changed and began to tell others about Him, praising and glorifying God. The wise men bowed down and worshiped. When Jesus began His mission, He always looked for the individual who needed His help.
We think of the calling of the disciples. Peter knew immediately what it was all about: “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!” (Luke 5:8). There was Mary Magdalene: Jesus sought out this wretched, broken, sinful, and demon-infested human being and healed her. No wonder she followed Him constantly afterwards!
Jesus was on His way to Jairus’ house. The case was very urgent because Jairus’ daughter was terminally ill! Then a hand, shy and otherwise unnoticed, snaked between the legs of those who were around Jesus and touched His hem. None of the disciples could believe that Jesus was now stopping. But a poor, sick woman needed Him at that moment, and Jesus’ attention and benevolence were completely focused on her. Trembling, she confessed that it was she who had touched Him, and she was allowed to hear: “Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”
There was the man who had been ill for thirty-eight years at the pool of Bethesda. Jesus came straight to him through the crowd and healed him. He obviously saw his pain and hopelessness, and his heart’s cry.
We think of Bartimaeus. He cried out through the crowd in Jericho for Jesus’ help. Others threatened him and tried to silence him, but he would not be stopped. We read in Mark 10:49: “Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called.” Specifically him, in the midst of such a noisy, pressing crowd. Had Jesus come through Jericho at that time because of him? It was his moment with Jesus…and he was healed.
And then there was Zacchaeus. Jesus came through Jericho again, and this time the scene took place up in a tree. Zacchaeus needed rescue, he needed a Savior, because he couldn’t go on living like this. And Jesus stopped, looked up directly at him, and said: “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.”
Jesus had also come for those who rejected Him. The introductory text tells of a rich young man who longed for eternal life. But he could not let go of his earthly wealth. What did Jesus do? “And Jesus looked at him and loved him.” Jesus wanted to help him so much. Yes, how sad that He knew the young man would turn his back on Him. But Jesus was there just for him and loved him. Did the young man ever turn back to Jesus’ love? The Bible is silent on this.
And so we could continue the list. Even when He was hanging on the cross, Jesus cared for the individual. Yes, even for a thief who deserved to hang there! And the thief on the cross was able to experience: “He came for me. He hangs here for me! And I can find salvation and be saved in His wounds and His sacrifice. Praise be to God!”
Yes, Jesus came for me and also for you, for each of us personally. His coming and His sacrifice were also for you, whoever you are. From the worst, most depraved sinner to the most self-righteous Pharisee, everyone is included, even the innocent baby who was snatched from life prematurely. Whoever we are, we get to believe it and, even more than that, we get to experience it personally: Jesus came for me.
Are you perhaps still far from Him and can’t believe that there is hope for you? Is Christmas an empty and meaningless celebration for you? Then listen to the angels’ message at the first Christmas: “Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11). Remember that this glorious message of joy is for everyone! Read it again: “which will be to all people.” For unto you is born the Savior, Jesus, your Savior and Redeemer. Just as He came for me, He also came for you. Let Him into your heart and life and you will experience it: “He came for me!”
Ron Taron
Steinbach, Manitoba
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