Preparing for Eternity

God gives people many good things because He loves and cares for them. He gives sunshine, wind, and rain at the right time so that the grain grows in the fields. When the grain is ripe, the farmers harvest it with combines and tractors. The grain is then taken to the mill and ground into flour. The flour is then used to bake bread, rolls, and other delicacies. It takes six to ten months from sowing to the finished bread, while God blesses the work of the farmers and bakers. We want to thank Him most sincerely for this!

But life is not just about food, clothing, and a home. Every person has a soul that longs for God and needs His forgiveness. Jesus Christ died so we can have peace with God and become His children. He wants us to be ready for eternity and to spend it with Him in heaven. Eternity has no time limit; it lasts forever. That is why preparing for it is much more important than preparing for winter.

Jesus once told the story of a rich corn farmer whose land had borne much grain and fruit. To have enough space to store the harvest, he planned to tear down his old barns and build larger ones. He then wanted to gather the rich harvest into the new barns and say to his soul: “You have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.” But God said to him: “Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?” (see Luke 12:16-21)

God has given us life and holds us in His hand. No one knows when God will call us into eternity. But we should know that our sins are forgiven, that we are God’s children, and that we are ready for eternity through faith in Jesus Christ. Do you have this certainty? If not, you can ask God for it today. He is faithful, forgives sins, and cleanses from all unrighteousness (see   1 John 1:9).

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