Rush or Rest

Isn’t it strange that many people today are not satisfied, despite their elevated standard of living, despite money and pleasures? People like to talk about the good old days. Yes, people used to be much poorer, but they were also much happier. They sat together after work and had time and interest for each other. The father didn’t need sports but found time to go hiking with his children in God’s beautiful nature. The mother, with so many children, still found time to spend the evening hours with the little ones and tell them beautiful stories. She taught them early to fold their hands and planted the fear of God in the young souls. Everything went on so calmly and without hurry. 

Today, you hear almost only: I have no time! Hurry up! – Where have we come to? With this marching speed, a person actually forgets to live! The days and years rush by, and every now and then the rushed person asks himself: Where has life gone? Does it have any meaning at all? Aren’t the following verses true?

Oh, I’ve seen the people working
And searching night and day;
They’re coming and going and yearning
And toiling upon their way.

They won’t find for what they’re searching
In pleasure and fortune and fame;
And burdened with sin and hurting,
The masses return again.

One would think that in the face of the transience of everything visible, man would reach out for eternal values. But, unfortunately, despite all the disappointments and the unfulfilled emptiness of their inner being, many try to find rest in the pleasures of the world. Thus, life flies by, and with regard to the long eternity, the deceived person stands poor and empty before God. Who thinks about the serious fact that God has given us life as time to be used by us to establish our salvation? 

Therefore, dear reader, become wise and leave the camp of the indifferent! Time is very precious! Use it wisely! There is only one resting place in the roaring sea of the world: it is Jesus Christ! His call still resounds from one end of the earth to the other: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). These are not empty promises, not the words of a man. No, behind these words stands the Lord Jesus Himself. Yes, everyone who thirsts, come to the water of life that flows from the cross for all sinners! Yes, buy without money! (See Isaiah 55:1.)

This call of the Savior is for all people, because the work of Golgotha is sufficient for all. Our Savior wants all people to be saved. He gave Himself as a ransom. He calls all who labor, all who struggle to earn heaven by good works or sacraments. He calls all who want to stand before the holy God with their own righteousness. Those who realize the futility of their own efforts are called to receive salvation in Christ by grace. 

The Savior also wants to lift the load of the burdened. What an offer! The greatest load is the burden of sin. How many drag themselves around with it all their lives. Follow the advice of your Savior!

His offer is also for the restless. To all the weary, as well as to all those hunted by the devil, He offers the glorious gift: “I will give you rest!” How the heart longs for this rest!

He gives rest of conscience to the one who confesses and lets go of his sin and finds forgiveness and grace. He gives rest in the heart through blessed discipleship and fellowship with the Lord Jesus. In Matthew 11:29, Jesus says: “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

In the song “In the Cross of Christ I Glory,” J.A. Poseck wrote:

Conscience now no more condemns us,
For His own most precious blood
Once for all has washed and cleansed us,
Cleansed us in the eyes of God.

Filled with this sweet peace forever,
On we go, through strife and care,
Till we find that peace around us
In the Lamb’s high glory there.

“Come to Me, and I will give you!” is what the Lord calls to us. We are not dependent on people. On the cross, the Lord Jesus died for us. There, He bridged the gap between us and the holy God and gave us access to the Father. Therefore, He and He alone is able to give us rest, home, peace, joy, and salvation!

Do it like I did, dear reader! I, too, recognized this hurry and restlessness, the futility of life without the Savior. I experienced that He keeps His word. I found rest, peace, joy, and eternal life in faith in the Crucified and Risen One.

Bow your knees before this Savior, confess your sins to Him, and bring Him all your needs. He will give you rest and peace!

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