All people seek peace and happiness in the depths of their hearts. The sin-stained soul knows that it cannot stand before a righteous God. Therefore, it longs to find peace. When people are plagued by remorse, the question “How can I find peace?” is of the utmost importance to them.
People have tried in many different ways to find peace for their troubled souls. However, all human wisdom has not yet succeeded in devising a plan that will ensure lasting peace.
Peace cannot be obtained by trying to banish serious thoughts about death, judgment, and eternity, or by distracting ourselves with temporal and earthly things. Many hope to obtain peace by indulging in worldly pleasures. They may succeed in suppressing the voice of their conscience for a brief time and find temporary peace. However, the pain will return and will then be even more unbearable.
Some soothe their conscience with religious views which say that sin is not as terrible as it is made out to be. They say there is no need to fear future damnation, because God is good and merciful and cannot cast anyone into hell. They think that even after death, there would still be an opportunity to attain salvation. However, such views have no biblical foundation and cannot permanently satisfy the heart and mind of man.
But thank the Lord, there is a way that leads to complete peace. Jesus Himself prepared this way. Peace can be found through the gospel of Jesus Christ. What no human plan can achieve, the divine plan of salvation accomplishes.
We can only receive complete peace if we sincerely confess our sins before God, against whom we have sinned. Everyone knows what a feeling of relief comes over us when we make an open confession after a mistake. Most people probably know from experience how depressing and unsettling it is to try to hide something we have done that is wrong. This is why even children cannot rest until they have confessed their wrongdoing. The Gospel clearly reveals the fact that perfect peace can only be achieved through open confession. For this reason, we find many statements in the Bible in this regard, such as: “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13). “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:8-9).
Only when we are certain of the forgiveness of our sins can we have real and lasting peace. A superficial confession does not bring peace or true satisfaction to the soul. Perfect and lasting peace only comes through the certainty of forgiveness.
Jesus was invited to a Pharisee’s house for a meal. A woman who had spent her life in sin came in and wet His feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. In doing so, she showed her repentance and love for her Lord and Savior. Jesus therefore said to her: “Your sins are forgiven… Your faith has saved you; go in peace” (Luke 7:48,50). As soon as she heard these blessed words, the peace she had been seeking entered her heart, and she left with a light heart, for she was pardoned and had obtained the peace that the world cannot give.
There is probably no greater joy or happiness in the entire world than when a guilty man is told that he has been pardoned and his guilt forgiven. When this happens, the soul, which previously resembled a restless and stormy sea, becomes calm and quiet.
Troubled and anguished soul, if you seek rest and peace, if your conscience accuses you, then bow before your Savior with a penitent heart, confess your guilt to Him, and He will forgive you. He will say to your soul: “Your sins are forgiven. Go in peace!”
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