The Two Biggest Events

“And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27)

Death and Judgment – these two great events will occur in the life of every person. We will all be gathered on the great Day of Judgment; from Adam to the last infant yet to be born. Not a single one will be missing. If, on that day, Jesus, the Mediator between God and man, does not stand by our side, and His precious shed blood does not speak for us, then we are irretrievably lost for all eternity. Who could then intercede for us? What could then benefit us, if not the blood of Jesus? Anyone who despises the precious blood of the Lord leaves this life without hope and is hopeless for all eternity.

Even before an earthly court, it is of great value if an advocate intercedes for us and defends our rights. Often, one can also avoid punishment through one’s own eloquence and cleverness if one has done something wrong. But before the judgment seat of God, all of this is of no use. Nothing can save us there except the shed blood of Christ. Whoever despises it and relies on something else, perhaps interceding saints, will stand alone and his fate will be eternal damnation.

May God make this clear to everyone and give them no rest until they claim the blood of Jesus and become a child of God. Jesus, our faithful friend, who sits at the right hand of God, still desires today that all people be helped and escape the future wrath of God. He Himself wants to protect them, to represent them before God’s throne of grace if they surrender to Him and allow themselves to be cleansed by His blood.

We neither know the time nor the hour when God will call us. Therefore, it is of great importance to secure one’s soul now. I want to call out to each one, as the angels once called out to Lot: “Hurry, save your soul!” No hesitation is allowed, for how quickly the hour of death can strike for you!

J. Albrecht

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