Millions of people, young and old, look forward to Christmas every year, but so few have really grasped its meaning. Their joy does not come from heaven. Some enjoy making others happy by giving presents, and others find their joy in receiving presents. As nice as it may be to make others happy and to be made happy, this alone cannot give us true Christmas joy. As long as we have not grasped the full significance of Christmas, our joy will not last long.
Christmas has a deeper, greater, more glorious meaning. The famous song describes Christmas as a silent, holy night, but in many places, this no longer applies. Surrounded by the hustle and bustle of modern-day Christmas, we are left with no time to reflect on the extraordinary event of that miraculous night.
The phrase “Christ is born” has become so commonplace that we can utter this wonderful fact without giving the actuality any real thought. What a loss of true Christmas joy! Let us take some time out of our harried lives to quietly ponder the immense significance that Christmas has for us.
At its heart, Christmas was a trade. The Son of God traded His divine throne for a manger and infinite fullness for scarcity and suffering. Have you ever really considered what that meant? What would you say if you had to make a similar choice?
Jesus left His Father, the angels, and heavenly glory to come down to earth into pain and suffering. Would you want to trade everything you own for a beggar’s rags? Just the thought of it might seem ridiculous, but the Son of God made a much greater trade without complaint, and even with joy. He gave everything for us to trade this world’s grimy rags for the Father’s shining glory.
From a spiritual perspective, Christmas is a bright day of grace on which the three-times holy God reaches out to all people—whoever, wherever, and however they may be—to embrace them, calling out, “I love you so much that I gave up My only Son so that you may have peace and eternal life. I will not be angry with you for eternity because I feel sorry for you. The prince of darkness is too cruel to you.” God sent Jesus to conduct the peace talks. Jesus completed His mission successfully, and the Father is now reconciled, meaning that we can have this inner peace ourselves and celebrate Christmas with joy and thanks.
Jesus gave the gift of Christmas to a world swamped in sin. This gift of indescribable grace moved heaven to astonishment and the angels to songs of praise. Christmas is a message of joy for all people, including those living in the shadow of death. Truly understood, it helps us overcome our personal suffering, too.
Christmas drives all fear of eternal night out of the hearts of believers. They face no more night because Jesus Himself shines like the sun.
Christmas inspired the shepherds to share what they had seen, heard, and experienced. Does it inspire us to share the message too? Or do you no longer find it important to share the Christmas message? If you have experienced Christmas in your heart, rededicate yourself to the Lord:
Say it loud to everyone
What the Lord for you has done.
Have no fear and freely share
The Savior’s message everywhere!
A. Z.
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