Report: Bible Course – Steinbach, Canada 2024

Once again, as in most previous summers, there was a two-week Bible course held at one of the Church of God congregations in Canada. This time, the course was held in Steinbach, Manitoba. Reports by students usually focus on the lessons. As a teacher, I would like to focus on two other aspects of the course. Not only did the students learn from the teachers, but the teachers also learned from them. Before the lessons, which started at 9:40 a.m., there was always a 9:00 am devotional, which was usually led by a student on a topic that was dear to their heart. Some students had never led a devotional before and so no doubt it may have been an intimidating experience for them. Nonetheless, these devotionals were all a great blessing; not only did they benefit the other students but also the teachers and the person who put in the time and effort to share the devotional. Also, the presentations by students on how to share one’s faith with non-believers, given during the Apologetics class on Thursday, were insightful and useful.

Most of the sessions began with a song from the blue Worship Hymnal of the Church of God. Yet, for the last session of the day, Rosalie Froese and Gerhard Mielke led the singing with guitar accompaniment. Favorite choruses from the hymnal were “This is the Day,” “He is Lord,” and “His Name is Wonderful.” For a few songs, extra verses were added. For example, to the song:

This is the day, this is the day, 
That the Lord has made, that the Lord has made.
We will rejoice, we will rejoice,
And be glad in it, and be glad in it.
This is the day that the Lord has made.

was added the verse:

Christ is the way, Christ is the way, 
That the Lord has made, that the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice, let us rejoice, 
And be glad in Him, and be glad in Him.
Christ is the way that the Lord has made. 

To the song:

1. Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning, 
give me oil in my lamp, I pray;
give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning, 
keep me burning till the break of day.

was added the verse:

2.  There was a time in my life when I was lonely, 
There was a time in my life when I was sad, 
Then Jesus came in my life and made me happy, 
Jesus came into my life and made me glad.

Devotionals, songs, prayers, and testimonials all added to the joy of being together, praising the Lord, and learning from one another. 

Gerhard Mielke 

If I could describe the how the 2024 Bible Course impacted me with one Scripture verse, it would be Hebrews 4:12: “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” 

I came with the prayer and expectation that God would bless the teaching and reveal Himself in new ways to me, and praise God, He has answered. The course has afforded me the opportunity to study the Word of God in depth and understand in detail the importance of the doctrine of the Church of God. Students were instructed scripturally on what the Book of Revelation means, helping to see clearly through all the false doctrine that is so readily available. I also found a new appreciation for God’s gift of holiness, that we have direct access to live a sin-free life through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We were also shown how to take a stand for our faith and closely studied the Gospel of John. In each of these sessions, I was amazed by the living power of God’s Word, and its power showed me what is in my heart, as represented by the two-edged sword in Hebrew 4:12. 

I was also blessed by the fellow youth attending the Bible Course and the testimonies that were shared. It was an encouragement to sing and fellowship with other young believers, where we shared a common goal to learn more of God. Whether we sang along with the piano or were led by Bro. Mielke on the guitar, I will cherish the times of worshiping God and studying His Word with fellow students. Throughout the course, I was reminded of the song “The Bond of Perfectness,” which reads: “Beloved how this perfect love unites us all in Jesus! One heart, and soul, and mind; we prove the union heaven gave us.” I can say with assurance that God was present at the Bible Course. 

Through the Bible Course, God provided a scriptural foundation on which to base my spiritual life, equipping me with the true doctrine that I can now share with others. Praise be to God that the prayers of our brothers and sisters in Christ, supporting the 2024 Bible Course, were answered!

Tom Mueller, Swartz Creek (USA)

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