It is an admirable custom to name one day of the year as “Mother’s Day.” The wealth of a people is not its gold reserves but its mothers, who are accountable to God as they carry out their motherly duties. A nation disintegrates when it no longer has mothers who believe in and live out God’s holy and perfect design for the family. How many prominent men have testified that their mothers helped shape the best of their characters.
Otto Funke tells that the nicest moments were when he was alone with his mother. She taught him inner values for life that he could never forget.
Hudson Taylor testifies: “I myself and the work that I do for God are thanks to my beloved parents. Their influence will never diminish.”
Fritz Woike says: “My father was often without work for months. This burden lay on the shoulders of my mother. She would have given her heart’s blood for us children. She hardly showed her great burden outwardly. Her love was in sacrificing, and her whole life was an offering. She never thought of herself, only of us. She had a wonderful ability to make do with the least amount.”
Today, many children do not experience childhood because they don’t have mothers in whose hearts they can find a home. The secret source of blessings for true mothers is their hidden life in Christ. They live from eternal sources. Consequently, they radiate a love that is healing and that brings salvation, and they care for the souls of their children.
From Friedrich Laubscher, we read: “The heart of a nation beats strong and healthy where sons and daughters ask their mothers for advice and help, and where in all situations they can seek and find refuge in her, and where mothers are courageous enough to even point out sin in their children.”
Blessed are those children who can relate to this verse in God’s Word: “As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you” (Isaiah 66:13). Some young person may not have failed if he had known about this comfort. A pediatrician said: “In my practice, I have often observed that many mothers today are unable to comfort.” We may be filled with fear when we think of these children without comfort – and maybe even mothers without comfort. Comfort is often simply: “I am here. I sympathize with you. I love you.”
We need mothers who can pray; mothers who spread their hands over their children with blessings. – I thank God that we had a devout mother whose heartfelt desire was that she could one day say before God’s throne: “Here I am and the children whom the Lord gave me.”
Is this also your desire, dear mother?
G. Schmauß
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