The Rainbow of Grace
We are all familiar with the rainbow. If you live in the countryside, you can see this divine natural phenomenon in all its splendor and glory. Once, I was traveling with a young sister who […]
We are all familiar with the rainbow. If you live in the countryside, you can see this divine natural phenomenon in all its splendor and glory. Once, I was traveling with a young sister who […]
Company. For as long as I can remember, I have never met an elderly person who was not happy to have company. Fellowship and being together with other people is one of the basic human […]
This is a word of joy and great blessing! It is in complete contrast to the condition the Ephesians had been in before they heard about and received Jesus. Paul describes them as having been […]
Many people hesitate to trust in the promises which are given by God. Jesus called the people of His time “slow of heart to believe” (Luke 24:25). Today, as in times past, the world demands […]
A tense atmosphere permeated a Chinese city. One could literally feel the enmity against the sole remaining missionary and the small group of Christians. Three times on this particular day, the people had been summoned […]