Foundation of Faith

At the Border

There are national borders that separate one country from another. Most people live spread out all over the country. However, part of the population lives in the border region. Some of these people commute to […]

Foundation of Faith

The Call to Unity

Before Jesus left this world, He prayed earnestly for the unity of God’s people. Unity is a sign of true discipleship. Jesus prayed “that they all may be one, as You, Father are in Me, […]

Foundation of Faith

I Will Go Before You

This promise will accompany us in the New Year. When He, the Light of the World, goes before us, then we will have the same experiences as the children of Israel, whom God led by […]

Foundation of Faith


In 2013, British and American researchers performed an experiment in a hospital in Florida. Anyone who came near the intensive care unit of the hospital was observed by a stern, penetrating set of eyes. The […]

Foundation of Faith

Without Me You Can Do Nothing

Some time ago, I met a young father who had his little daughter with him on his bicycle. The ride was visibly creating much joy for the child, but she also wanted to contribute something. […]

Children's Corner

Starting Right

One day, Lena said to her mother, “Oh, it’s so hard to always do the right thing. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do it.” “Have you really tried?” “Oh yes, Mama. I […]

Foundation of Faith

The Rabbit On the Rocks

It was one of the most unusual things I have ever seen.  We were finishing our walk early one morning and we came upon a rabbit that was sitting on the rocks.  The rabbit had […]