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The story of Israel’s journey through the wilderness gives us many lessons to learn from, one of which we find in Numbers 21:4-9. The Israelites were getting discouraged along the way, and as a result, […]
The story of Israel’s journey through the wilderness gives us many lessons to learn from, one of which we find in Numbers 21:4-9. The Israelites were getting discouraged along the way, and as a result, […]
“If you love Me, keep My commandments.” John 14:15 How often do we hear: Because of that and that, this happened to me! This seemingly unimportant word has changed the lives of many people. Because […]
Easter. Year after year, we celebrate Easter in spring. For us, it is not about the Easter Bunny or merely a spring festival. It’s about the greatest event in human history, the death and resurrection […]
“Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him” Romans 6:8 God says to Noah in Genesis 8:22, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter […]
The apostles testified to and established the resurrection of Jesus as an irrefutable fact. They all report how some women, early in the morning, made that difficult walk to the burial place of Jesus. It […]
We all are familiar with suffering. We have all, at some time, felt pain in our body through a wound, an illness, an accident, or a headache. We hear more and more about mood disorders, […]
How many people have already researched and tried to comprehend and describe how great and difficult the sufferings of Jesus were – yet such things still remain incomprehensible to our limited minds. In Matthew 16:21, […]
This particular Monday (December 2022) started out like most Mondays. I went to my son’s shop to give him a hand. I had made an appointment to see the doctor on Thursday to remove some […]