Moments of Reflection
Another year has passed. Like a stream, it has flowed into the sea of eternity – a year full of toil and work, full of joy and sorrow, full of misfortune and blessings, a year […]
Another year has passed. Like a stream, it has flowed into the sea of eternity – a year full of toil and work, full of joy and sorrow, full of misfortune and blessings, a year […]
We so rightly exclaim when we look at the beauty of God’s earth. The flowers, the trees, the clouds and the stars – everything is a miracle in our eyes. How great and marvelous is […]
Before he died, Stephen exclaimed, “Look! I see the heavens opened!” (Acts 7:56) Yes, heaven is a reality. Our salvation and God’s presence, which we can already enjoy here, are only a small foretaste of […]
A neuroscientist once said, “When you think, you change the structure of your brain.” – We decide what we think. And our thoughts influence our mood, our actions, and much more. Therefore, take this advice […]
Life, eternal life! Who would not like to have it? Many people hope to attain it once they die and thus do not spend their time here worrying about it. They say: “Everybody has to […]