The High Road of Love
How many bitter roots are found in those who call themselves Christians, in congregations and communities, amongst relatives and families! I have often been shocked during my travels by the many petty squabbles among those […]
How many bitter roots are found in those who call themselves Christians, in congregations and communities, amongst relatives and families! I have often been shocked during my travels by the many petty squabbles among those […]
So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He […]
In recent decades, we have seen a very frequent use of the word “love” in our society. However, what has been offered or imposed on young people in particular under this label has nothing to […]
Difficulties and divisions had arisen in the Corinthian church. This is why Paul wrote the chapter on love in 1 Corinthians 13. Just as cement holds a building together, so true agape love holds the […]
One day, Dwight Moody received a letter with the following request: “Mr. Moody, would you come to the prison tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock? A prisoner is being released who is all alone in this […]
In Joroco in Africa, a woman named Marierose lived all alone. Her husband had died, and her two boys had been taken away by his brother. It nearly broke her heart, but there was nothing […]
Love is the greatest theme of the Bible. Love is the reason for the whole work of salvation and the indescribable work of redemption that God accomplished through Christ. Without love, God would never have […]
The 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians is probably the most soul-searching and heart-revealing chapter in the entire Bible. Every child of God should read this chapter at least once a month to personally benefit from […]
Oh, love while you can love.Oh, love while you can try.The hour may come, the hour will come,When you’ll stand at the grave and cry. Will it lighten the burden on her heart, will it […]
“Upon return from a business trip early Monday morning, an entrepreneur found his 22-year-old daughter lifeless in the gas-filled kitchen. Sadly, resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful. The young woman apparently had not noticed that the boiling […]