In past years, we had heard numerous times that the camp meetings were wonderful and indescribably blessed times. That is why we came this year to Blaubeuren with great anticipation – but we were blessed beyond our expectations.
When we arrived, we hardly knew any brothers and sisters personally. But everyone was very friendly and took us in with love and open arms. At the end of the time, we felt as though we had always known each other.
We were richly blessed by the preaching of God’s Word. The theme of the days was: “Be holy, for I am holy” from 1 Peter 1:16.
It touched us to hear how the Word was spoken in unity and through the Holy Spirit. God’s presence was perceptible in every worship service. A thought that blessed us and brought us to further contemplation was “Abraham intercedes for Sodom” from Genesis 18:22-33. Abraham pleaded for each soul. What about us? Do we battle for every soul?
During these days, great importance was laid on prayer and the dependence on the leading of the Spirit in the organization of the camp meeting. Before and after each sermon, much time was given for corporate prayer, and many believers participated. We also noticed how after every worship service, everyone remained where they were and took time to pray a silent prayer before they left.
Especially encouraging was for us to see how God is building His church in Germany also. We feel connected to the brothers and sisters through God’s Spirit and are happy that we had the opportunity to take part in the camp meeting ourselves. We will never forget the blessings and the memories of this time.
Maria und Marvin Günter,
Steinbach (CA)
Again this year, the blessed days of camp meeting already lie in the past. But the deep impressions of these days, the encouragement, and the experiences with God continue to work into the future in the hearts of His children.
The best thing about camp meetings is fellowship with children of God when separated from the world. It is a vacation for the soul and allows a person to clearly focus by godly nourishment provided in abundance for an entire week. There is something for everyone. I personally am very thankful that I have been able to be there each year and every day in order to reap the full blessings. In the turmoil of time and the hectic everyday life, it can quickly happen that our focus heavenward diminishes and God’s voice seems to get quieter. The camp meetings up to now have continually provided me with clarity for my situation so that I could find peace in my soul. I drove to Blaubeuren with joyful anticipation and a hunger for clear preaching, and God blessed these days. He gifted me with meaningful conversations, new acquaintances, and deeper friendships. No matter where we live and how different we may be from one another, it is the same Spirit who works in us, and we are joined together by Jesus Christ.
I was particularly happy about a thought regarding the topic of divine healing: trusting is the most important thing. It is not due to a lack of faith if healing doesn’t occur. Jesus said: “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20). It is paramount for the soul to fully trust from the heart that God can truly heal and to trust that His will and way is the best, no matter how it may look. I experienced this myself years ago.
Stefanie Wiefel,
Eppingen (DE)
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