An author wrote: “Fear nothing; freely confess that the Lord is your Savior.”
In February 2018, due to the result of an examination, I was unexpectedly admitted to the hospital. I had to fast for 6 days. Then I had surgery because they had found cancer.
Two days after my surgery, I was released. I was also able to recover quite well. A few weeks later, I began chemotherapy. This was supposed to take six months. After less than four weeks, my body could not take it anymore. I begged God to help me with the chemo. Then a thought came to me that I should quit with the chemotherapy, which I did.
On September 10, I had another appointment at the hospital to find out the results from the latest examinations. I asked my Father in heaven to help me accept what He had intended for me. I said: “Thy will be done!”
It was almost incomprehensible to me when the doctor told me I was cancer-free, since I had been diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer. I want to give all glory, thanks, and worship to my great God and Father in heaven through Jesus Christ. He’s stayed with me throughout my long life, and He’s never failed me when I’ve gone through deep valleys. “He has a way, He does not lack resources.” His compassion, His power, His love, and His loyalty work together so that we do not suffer deprivation.
What was I? Who am I? What did God see in me that He showed me so much grace? Up until now, the Lord has helped me. I would sincerely like to thank all who prayed for me.
Irma Lehmann,
Toronto (CA)
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