December 3, 2004: The last night at home. I was supposed to leave for Corrientes, Argentina, the following day to begin my medical studies. I had never been so far away from home, nor for so long. At 17 years of age, I was going to move some 450 km to this city, alone. The first months of the program served to screen the medical students, with only 10% of the 1800 applicants being accepted into the study program itself after the initial exams. During my evening devotions, this unfamiliar path took on enormous proportions in my mind. I was really scared. My prayer was a cry to God to be my guide and protector on this path. Even as I was praying, I clearly sensed God’s presence and His promise: I will protect you and save you. Suddenly, a deep confidence and assurance filled my heart. I knew God would take care of me.
Exactly 13 years have passed since that evening. I completed my medical studies and now have the privilege of working as a surgeon in a clinic in Germany. Looking back, I see that God did not leave my side for a single day. He truly fulfilled His promise. Yes, parts of the path were hard. Sometimes, the difficulties were so great that I did not know how to go on. However, I never doubted the path on which God was guiding me. In hindsight, I often recognized how God used the big problems as lessons for my personal development. And He held me close to Him throughout all the years. Today, I can look back on a richly-blessed and interesting time. It pays to fully trust God.
Patricia J. Günter
Gifhorn, Germany
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