Foundation of Faith

A Memorable Auction

The English preacher Rowland Hill (1739-1804) once preached in a larger city in England. People came from far and near to hear him. In the middle of his sermon, a wagon pulled up outside. Lady […]

Foundation of Faith

Repentance: An Outdated Word?

Everyone wants to hear that they are good and that their decisions are correct. But guilt and misconduct cannot simply be discussed away; they strain the relationship and the conscience until the guilt is finally […]

Foundation of Faith

Finding Assurance

A young man was asked how long he knew the Lord and if he knew that his sins were forgiven. He replied: “My sins are forgiven. I truly know!” “When were you convinced of that?” […]

Foundation of Faith

Starting Over With Jesus

A man was walking thoughtfully through his garden when he saw a bird’s nest on the ground. A mighty storm had just passed through. The nest had been destroyed by the violent shaking of the […]

Foundation of Faith

True Repentance

By repenting and turning to God, a new life begins. Repentance involves leaving behind the old, and beginning something new. A person who realizes that life without God is a mistake remembers the depressing burden […]