The Resurrection – a Senior’s Perspective
Easter. Year after year, we celebrate Easter in spring. For us, it is not about the Easter Bunny or merely a spring festival. It’s about the greatest event in human history, the death and resurrection […]
Easter. Year after year, we celebrate Easter in spring. For us, it is not about the Easter Bunny or merely a spring festival. It’s about the greatest event in human history, the death and resurrection […]
“Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him” Romans 6:8 God says to Noah in Genesis 8:22, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter […]
The apostles testified to and established the resurrection of Jesus as an irrefutable fact. They all report how some women, early in the morning, made that difficult walk to the burial place of Jesus. It […]
The great foundation of our faith lies not in creeds or liturgy, but in the undisputable fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Not only is our forgiveness from God and the hope in Christ […]
This verse from 1 Corinthians 15:20 is a word of victory and life, comfort and joy! Truly the world can now rejoice! And with this poet we can, in faith, join in saying: Risen, risen […]
“Because I live, you will live also.” (John 14:19) In this passage, Jesus is speaking about resurrection and immortality. Because Jesus lives, we as Christians, as children of God, can go through life as new […]
The disciples’ salvation depended on the fate of their Lord Jesus. They had pinned all of their hopes on Him, so when He died on the cross, they thought it was all over. By all […]
“[The angels] said to them, ‘Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen!’” (Luke 24:5-6) Easter is here again. It is a day of remembrance of a […]
This biblical text serves as a wonderful testimony of the Apostle Paul. He is testifying that he is not the only one who believes this, but also the entire community of the first Christian church, […]