As their Master rose up into heaven, the disciples could follow Him only with their eyes. When He had finally faded from view, they headed for Jerusalem with heavy feet. They had not yet realized that Jesus had left them in order to send them the Comforter, who could fill them and the Church of the Lord with divine power at all times. After all, why should He who is love itself leave those who had wholly dedicated themselves to Him?
Then, on the day of Pentecost, the Lord’s great love was revealed. Those 120 disciples were the first to experience the glory of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Only now could they be effective disciples of the Lord. The Holy Spirit inspired them to go out into a hostile world and testify of the great Savior Jesus Christ to all people. They preached not only with their words but also through the miracles that they performed in the name of the Lord. The lame could walk again, the blind were restored their sight, and the possessed were liberated from the spell of evil powers.
Such great testimony did not miss its mark. Thousands came to the Lord. Large crowds fled to the Father’s heart and found a loving reception there. No one who approached with sincerity was turned away, and even those who had called: “Crucify Him, crucify Him!” found forgiveness for their immense debt and pledged themselves to the service of the Lord. The darkness was broken by flashes of light—the warm light of the truth, which shone brightly and drew many near to satisfy the longing of their hearts at the spring of peace. The Gospel began its victorious campaign and spread across the entire known world.
What would have happened to the Gospel if Jesus had not sent the Comforter, the Holy Spirit? Surely Christianity would now be a thing of the past. It was through the agency and assistance of the Holy Spirit that the power of God worked its saving grace. All who were overcome by the Holy Spirit and who repented received the full benefit of the cross and of Jesus’ act of salvation. The cross of Christ was glorified in all countries of the known world.
The Holy Spirit exalts Jesus by bringing the Word of God into people’s hearts and encouraging and comforting their souls. He is patient and willing to try over and over again. Blessed are those who are finally overcome by the love of Jesus as revealed through the Holy Spirit. Everything in their hearts becomes new, and Jesus becomes their One and Only. That is what the Holy Spirit wants to accomplish. He convinces sinners of their lost condition and leads them to the cross so that they may receive peace and forgiveness.
The more room we give the Holy Spirit in our hearts, the more Jesus is exalted and the more we can become like Him. With His divine anointment, the love of Jesus warms our hearts and encourages us time and time again, filling us with praise and thanks. Doubts are overcome, and fear and worries banished. Joy and peace grow boundlessly, and the Holy Spirit reveals to us some of God’s great glory already here on earth. He lets us experience the love of Jesus, brings us into true service to God, and guides us in all truth.
The Holy Spirit is the greatest teacher. He wants to help us to recognize how dependent we are on Him and how much we need Him in our hearts; He wants to open the door for us to truly comprehend the great privilege of His fellowship and to passionately penetrate deeper into the power of God; and He wants to teach us true, sincere humility, for the Lord can grant grace only to the humble.
“Make me purer, ever smaller,” should be our prayer too. We should all have the desire to receive the Holy Spirit more abundantly. We must open our hearts wide to let Jesus and His Spirit in. Then we will get to know His glory in an amazing way, and the Father in Heaven will speak His “Amen.”
Oh, may we all experience the glory of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit! Through His power we will be able to truly love His name, cling tightly to the cross, and stand firm for the cause of the Lord and for the glory of God and His dear Son.
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