Should we attempt to set up laws and rules for people’s daily schedule? Shouldn’t we leave this up to every individual? We must each decide for ourselves how we want to make use of our time. There are some principles, however, that we cannot afford to overlook. We find them in the Bible, an inexhaustible source of spiritual knowledge. As we study the Scripture, we want to pay special attention to what should be included in the daily schedule of a Christian.
Daily Prayer
“Be merciful to me, O Lord, for I cry to You all day long.” (Psalm 86:3)
Blessed is he who takes time to cease,
To look up toward the heavenly place,
Upward to God, the Father, who sees,
His window is open to hear his case.
Blessed is he who kneels down for prayers,
Sending his sighs home to heaven above,
In morning and evening his soul he bares,
He gazes toward Zion with hope and love.
Daily prayer! Isn’t that a heavy burden? Do we have to push ourselves to accomplish this? David says: “I cry out to You daily, merciful God!” Many people have followed the example of this prayer warrior and testify: “I also pray every day!” Daily prayer is an indication of living faith. Perhaps you think praying that often is not necessary or even overrated. Jesus always deemed it as necessary to pray and not to become careless or unconcerned. He personally always took time to pray. Could a child bear not to speak with his father for days, weeks, or perhaps months and years? It is not a difficult burden but rather a wonderful privilege to be able to speak to our heavenly Father every day. Wouldn’t you like to begin today to draw near to God in prayer on a daily basis? He who talks with God is never alone!
Daily Bible Reading
“These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the Word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.” (Acts 17:11)
Help me, Lord, that I might study
Your sweet Word and understand.
Teach me things that I don’t yet see,
That my heart may know Your plan,
That with joy I may receive it
And obey Your will for me.
Work in me, yes, I believe it,
For the truth does set me free.
Reading the newspaper every day or listening to or watching the news is a daily habit for many, who consider it important, a part of life. But to read the Bible? Is that so important? Isn’t it enough to attend weekly church services and Bible studies to hear something from God’s Word?
No, that is not enough! God speaks to us through His Word. He wants to give us direction and guidance for every day. Therefore, reach for your Bible every day and read it. Have you already started reading your Bible? Or have you become tired and given up? Around you are people who have grown to love God’s Word and would never want to be without it. The Word of God has become the bread from which they thrive, the rock on which they stand, the spring by which they rest. Reading the Bible strengthens your trust in God, gives comfort in adversity, gives power to the weak, encouragement when afraid, and heals broken hearts. The Holy Scriptures are like an enormous land in which the riches and treasures can only be found through daily digging and searching. “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me” (John 5:39).
Daily Praise
“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits.” (Psalm 68:19)
Should we praise God every day? Is that not asking too much? Life brings so many disappointments, the daily grind is so difficult, the future looks so gray. How are we supposed to praise God? Is there anyone who can achieve this?
You will be surprised – many have done this; they have praised God even in difficulties! Just open your Bible and read! You will find people who praised God in all sorts of situations. It may have been in tremendous anxiety, through valleys of adversity, in the fiery furnace, or even in a den of lions. Even while in prison awaiting their sentence or overloaded with tiring work, not knowing which end was up, they glorified and praised God! It was in these turbulent times that God was the closest to them. When Job was hit so hard with adversity, he fell down before God and prayed: “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). When Paul and Silas were shackled and sitting in jail, they did not despair. Instead, at midnight, they started praying and praising God. They did not allow affliction to silence their praises to God. David, the songwriter of many Psalms, encourages us: “Let us exalt His name together” (Psalm 34:4). If you are awaiting with joy the great hallelujah that will be sung before the throne of God, then you will sing and praise God daily, even in times of affliction and fear.
Daily Willingness to Suffer
“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” (Luke 9:23)
Take up your cross and follow Christ,
Nor think till death to lay it down;
Stand by in times of goodness and joy,
While suffering do not look around;
For only those who bear the cross
May hope to wear a golden crown.
When Christ called the ferocious persecutor of His Church, Saul from Tarsus, He showed him what his prospect would be: “For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake” (Acts 9:16). Suffering is not something exceptional in following Christ. It is just part of it.
Being a follower of Christ requires a complete surrender to the Lord, who gave Himself as a sacrifice for us and our sins. If you want to follow Jesus, you must say “no” to your personal desires. Let us serve Jesus, even if it entails suffering. Jesus Christ leads the way for us. He helps us in all adversities. Therefore, let us be prepared to suffer and work with joy for Christ. He is our Lord! If you follow Jesus, He will bring you to the goal. Even if it costs us tears and hardship, our reward will be an indescribable joy and happiness!
Daily Faithfulness
“Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10)
If you are a child of God, you should strive to keep this relationship forever. A life of following Christ is insignificant without faithfulness. If you have said “yes” to the Lord, you cannot take “some time off” for a few days to live without Him or even be against Him. God is true to His Word, and His promises are trustworthy. The love of Jesus surrounds us day and night. He thinks of us and blesses us. How can we possibly react to such faithfulness with our unfaithfulness? God only looks for a faithful steward. His desire is someday to tell His servants and maidservants: “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things” (Matthew 25:21)!
Daily Testifying
“Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day” (1 Chronicles 16:23).
Awake! O Spirit, among Christians all,
Who faithfully watch upon the stone wall;
Day and night witnessing, Jesus to tell,
Fight against Satan his kingdom to quell.
Their messages peal throughout the whole earth
To bring all the nations to God through rebirth.
Before Jesus ascended to Heaven, He spoke these words to His disciples: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). God expects His disciples to tell others about His love and grace which He has shown to all people. Even men in the Old Testament were aware of this mandate. That was why King David appointed Asaph and his brothers to sing songs of praise.
How much more should we, who have received forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus, share the message of salvation with those around us. Repeatedly, God’s enemies tried to stop the Christians from witnessing. But His messengers could not stop; they obeyed God more than men. And even if over time many Christians were persecuted, the message of Jesus Christ has never been destroyed. Is God’s business burning in our soul? Have we told others that Jesus is the salvation of the world? Are our words and our actions a constant, clear testimony for Christ? Do we express our thanks for Christ’s sacrifice on the cross? The world needs a testimony about Jesus! We do not want to be held accountable for not sharing this message!
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