“LORD, I have loved the habitation of Your house, and the place where Your glory dwells.” (Psalm 26:8)
Have you ever considered what your life would be like if you grew up without a church and without people who had any connection to the church?
For many of us, it goes without saying that we can participate in the fellowship of the church. The danger is that it can become a habit for us that we no longer truly appreciate.
The following question should cause us to reflect: Why do I love and treasure the church?
I love and treasure the church because …
…it shows us the way of salvation. Here we recognize the way to the cross, where we can be freed from our burden of sin. Here I was able to find peace and salvation for my soul.
…many more insights into God’s Word are conveyed to us in the church.
…in the church we receive the necessary direction to stay on the right track and not miss the goal.
…we are often strengthened and encouraged by the services and messages. This gives us new strength to remain victorious over sin and temptations in everyday life.
…fellowship with fellow believers who pursue the same purpose in life also spurs us on and strengthens us.
…it gives us a certain support, security, and help in life. In times of need or sickness we can ask the church for prayer support. The earnest prayer of a church moves God’s arm. I am especially grateful for this privilege and personal experience.
…Jesus loves the church and gave Himself for Her. He wants everyone to belong.
…it is the body of Christ (Colossians 1:24). Christ and the church cannot be separated. If we believe in and serve Christ, we cannot disparage the church.
There are certainly many more points that could be added and expanded upon. But we do not just want to set expectations for the church. If you and I are followers of Jesus and are part of His church, let us ask: What can I as a young person contribute to the blessing and well-being of my local congregation? Every kind word, every interest in the well-being of the other, every visible and invisible act of service, every prayer and testimony, glorifying God and Jesus Christ, adds to the blessing and makes the church more precious.
What does the church mean to you in your life?
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