It was one of the most unusual things I have ever seen. We were finishing our walk early one morning and we came upon a rabbit that was sitting on the rocks. The rabbit had just left the lush green lawn behind, and was there on the rocks. I went a bit closer to watch this amazing scene unfold before my eyes. Soon the rabbit moved a bit further, but remained on the rocks. I left the rabbit there on the rocks as I finished my walk, but my thoughts stayed with the rabbit. What was it about the rabbit that would make it leave the lush green grass and sit on the rocks? What was it looking for in the rocks? And what would happen if it stayed on the rocks?
Another question came to my mind, as I thought about the rabbit on the rocks. How many Christians leave the lush green pastures behind and sit on the rocks and are deprived of nourishment? David writes in Psalm 23:2 (HCSB): “He lets me lie down in green pastures.” Is it possible for a Christian to walk by the green pastures of spiritual nourishment, and then lie on the rocks? There are Christians who complain about being undernourished, and I sometimes wonder if they, too, are on the rocks of non-nourishment in their spiritual lives?
Where do we find spiritual nourishment? Peter writes in 1 Peter 2:2 (NASB): “Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the Word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation.” When a person finds the way to the cross, and becomes a follower of Jesus Christ, this person, because of the new spiritual nature, longs for the pure milk of the Word. If we notice what Peter has written, we will notice that this desire for the pure milk of the Word never diminishes. In fact, the longing for spiritual nourishment grows, as the disciple of Jesus Christ matures. Spurgeon wrote the following: “As you ask a blessing over your meat before you eat it, so it would be a good rule for you to ask a blessing on the Word before you partake of its heavenly food…Scripture reading is our spiritual meal-time” (1975, p.89). Remember, when we open the Word of God, we have God’s buffet before us, and God is waiting to give us spiritual nourishment, again and again and again. The Prophet Jeremiah, who lived during a very difficult time, needed the words from God to nourish him, and to give him guidance and strength. He writes: “Your words were found, and I ate them. Your words became a delight to me and the joy of my heart, for I am called by Your name” (Jeremiah 15:16 HCSB). One of the greatest gifts we have ever received as humanity is the gift of the “Word of God,” the Bible. It is this book that serves as our daily nourishment for the soul, and gives strength for the journey ahead.
One last question. Are you like the rabbit on the rocks? Are you close to being nourished but not being nourished? If so, what will it take for you to get back on the lush green place of nourishment for your soul? It is the experience of many people who were undernourished, who started reading the Bible and found nourishment for their souls.
Can I make a deal with you? Since the new year is starting, can we decide to read the Bible daily for a year and see what difference that will make in our lives? Perhaps we can follow a Bible reading plan, as there are many online plans that we can download and follow. There are many followers of Jesus who have been reading their Bibles daily, and through their reading of this wonderful book, they have been challenged and they have grown into mature followers of Jesus.
Spurgeon, C.H. (reprinted, 1975) Counsel for Christian Workers. Grand Rapids, MI. Baker Book House
Holman Christian Standard Bible. The Apologetics Study Bible, Nashville, TN. Holman Bible Publishers
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