Once a year, the Board of Directors of the Christian Unity Press (CUP) meets for two days in the CUP printing shop in Flint, Michigan, USA. This year, the Board was comprised of Dieter Heinze (Swartz Creek, MI), George Sippert (Swartz Creek, MI), David Goertzen (Swartz Creek, MI), Kurt Pudel (Edmonton, AB), and Harry Semenjuk (Wetaskiwin, AB). CUP is a joint project of the congregations in the USA and Canada. Since it is located in the USA, the majority of the Board of Directors must be from there as well.
For many years, from 1928 to 2015, CUP was based in York, Nebraska. After much prayer and consideration, operations were moved to Flint, Michigan, in 2015. The new location is more convenient, and the building itself is more practical. Thanks to a new laser printer, the printing process was also improved and is now simpler and faster than ever before. CUP prints the Foundation of Faith and its German-language counterpart (Evangeliums Posaune), Sunday school lesson booklets, and Church of God literature. It has also printed hymnals in the past.
The Board of Directors is not responsible for the content of the Foundation of Faith and other publications. Responsibility for the content falls to the editor (Brother H.D. Nimz) and the editorial team (Hermann Vogt, Ron Taron, and Harry Semenjuk). For its part, the Board of Directors is responsible for CUP’s economic and financial affairs.
CUP is a nonprofit organization, which means it has statutes which it is legally obligated to observe. According to the Statutes, the committee is formed by the pastors and is accountable for its actions to them as well. Significant acquisitions or changes must also be approved at the Pastors’ Conference. Brother Dieter Heinze is the managing director of CUP and therefore also the principal point of contact for the government. Two sisters (Sue Jaster and Margaret Jabs) assist him on a part-time basis.
When the committee meets in September, the day begins with morning devotions—praying together as brothers is a great blessing to us. We then move on to the agenda, the primary items of which include reviewing the financial records, establishing the budget for the next fiscal year, inspecting the printing plant, and enacting changes and repairs. Having participated on several occasions, I can confirm that this has always been a richly blessed time.
It is surprising just how much goes into publishing the Foundation of Faith. It is all a little hard to grasp when you are finally reading the finished product. A great number of brothers and sisters in Germany and North America are involved. Finding and compiling the material, creating the design, doing the proofreading, completing the translations into English or German, printing the publication, and distributing the finished product—there is a lot of work to be done and often very little time to do it. Many thanks to all who offer their time and talents to the Lord!
Maybe you are wondering whether there is something you could do to help out. There absolutely is! For example:
• You can support the work with continuing prayer. We read in 1 Corinthians 3:7 that it is God who grants success—and we have to ask Him for His blessings.
• You can gift someone a subscription to the Foundation of Faith, hand out individual issues, or occasionally leave a copy lying around. I am reminded of a sister who makes a practice of “forgetting” a Foundation of Faith in the waiting room when she goes to the doctor. God can make sure it finds its way into the right hands. Why don’t you resolve to participate in the literature ministry too?
• You can provide financial support. A ministry of this kind costs money, and bills need to be paid. Publications are sent out even if the recipient does not send in a donation; this is sustainable only because others make up for this deficit by sending in extra money. Let us follow the Lord’s leading in this regard as well.
We want to do what we can to advance and promote the work of the Lord together. May God bless you and your service!
Harry Semenjuk
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