“God looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there are any who understand, who seek God.”
Psalm 53:2
Is it not a great privilege that the great God, who created heaven and earth and everything in them, cares for us? People often scoff at the fact that we serve God and do His will. They regard it as foolishness, but the Psalmist says, “God looks to see if there is anyone who is wise and seeks Him.” God values that man is concerned about Him, and for us Christians, it is important that God is mindful of us. Therefore, it does not matter if we are misjudged by people. The most important thing for us is God.
God loves us very much and wants to be our friend. Naturally, when we have a friend, we want to please them. Should something not please them, then we refrain from it, so as not to grieve them. A friend takes the other person into consideration and often puts their own wishes aside.
But we, who have a much greater friend, the Son of God, do we relate to Him in this manner as well? Do you also always ask Him if it pleases Him to do this or that? Or have you perhaps not yet realized what a great privilege it is to have Him, the greatest of all friends, as your personal friend?
Jesus takes part in all that we encounter and all that affects us. He takes the greatest interest in our well-being and is always ready to help and advise us. But He does not want to impose His advice on us. No, that is not how our friend acts. Rather, He wants us to have a great desire in ourselves to possess Him as a friend. If someone no longer wants to have Him as a friend, then He steps back sadly. He would rather walk on sadly than impose Himself on someone. But if you communicate with Him, He is always there for you. He hears even your softest call, and He helps you also.
Some people say that Christians do not have their own will. However, this is not the case. In the same way that every other person has their own free will, so does the Christian. However, he has placed His will in the hand of his Friend, because He knows that this Friend will guide Him along the best path. He does not want anything to upset Him, and therefore, in all his wishes, he always asks his Friend if they are right and good. Sometimes the Friend leads him in ways he would not like to go. But the Christian does not grumble or complain because he knows that his Friend has the best in mind for him. Even if he cannot understand the way now, someday in eternity, when he is united with his Friend, he will see that His ways were the best.
Do you also call this Friend your own, or do you know Him only from hearsay? Would you also like to make a personal acquaintance with Him? Then come and meet Him! You do not have to wait long. Jesus always has time for you. He will be happy if you accept Him as your personal Friend. The way is very easy. You do not need to bring a letter of recommendation for Him to connect with you. No, come as you are and bring Him everything that is troubling and pressing you. Jesus will take all that from you. He will remove your garment that you have soiled and torn with sin and give you a new, white garment, a new, pure heart that can love and serve Him.
God cares for every person, even when the person does not want to know about Him. He will not rest until you have come into union with Him. When you are one with Him, you will realize that it is all divine grace. Divine grace will then sustain you and transfigure you more and more into His image. Rejoicing, your heart will then also be able to join in the song:
As I lay at the throne of grace,
Jesus Christ came to me!
My weak tongue cannot describe it;
Experience Him today!
H. Sprenger
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