The Living Christ
The disciples’ salvation depended on the fate of the Lord Jesus. All their hopes were based on Him. When He died on the cross, everything seemed lost to them. How sad and sorrowful the disciples […]
The disciples’ salvation depended on the fate of the Lord Jesus. All their hopes were based on Him. When He died on the cross, everything seemed lost to them. How sad and sorrowful the disciples […]
Jesus is always ready and willing and has power to save. The two thieves who were crucified with Him had an evil past and even displayed a negligent attitude while hanging on the cross. They […]
Every person has their own life experiences. Most have gone to school for many years. Every person has some knowledge of a few things, and some have knowledge of many things. In today’s culture, people […]
Every Christian carries a great responsibility. He bears the name “Christian” and confesses that Jesus dwells in him. If his life is consistent with his confession, he bears fruit to the glory of God. But […]
According to Matthew 16:19, what are the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and when did Peter receive them? The key is used here as a symbol and represents power or authority. Jesus used a […]
Christ “gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.” Titus 2:14 These words relay one of the most […]
A shepherd has a special job. He has a very close relationship with his sheep. He knows them and cares for them self-sacrificingly. The psalmist David, who was a shepherd himself, knew what he was […]
In the midst of humanity, Christ appears, unique in form and existence. There has never been a man who could be equal to Christ, never, no, never! In His birth, His life, His nature, His […]