It had been a long dark night for the followers of Jesus since he bowed his head and rested in the silent tomb. Was it possible? Jesus – the way, the truth and the life – was in the tomb! He who had raised the dead was now lying in the grave himself? What a victory for sin, death and darkness! What is the world when Jesus is in the tomb? Nothing but a vast field of the dead, without light, without hope!
But night did not fall over Golgotha. Easter morning dawned. And they had no idea until the women made the incredible discovery early in the morning: The stone is gone! The tomb is empty! No Jesus in the tomb! “He is not here; He has risen!” This news from the angel was like a sudden blinding light in their midnight darkness. Life is alive! Truth triumphs! Love triumphs over deadly hatred! “Thanks be to God, who has given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!” (1 Corinthians 15:57).
“Tell his disciples!” the angel commanded the women. Yes, tell everyone that he is alive! But we read in Mark 16:8: “They told no one, for they were afraid.” Oh, how much weak Christianity today does not tell anyone about the power of Easter and the hope of Easter! Get to work, “that you may proclaim the virtues of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9)!
Come, all you witnesses, and shout it loudly and joyfully into our Easter morning: “Christ is risen!” Who dried your tears, Mary Magdalene, and made you happy and blessed at the open tomb? Christ, the Risen One! Peter, who rolled the burden of debt from your heart and made you a courageous confessor after you had denied Him? Christ, the Risen One! You travelers from Emmaus, who interpreted the Scriptures to you and set your hearts on fire on the lonely road? Who broke bread with you in the quiet of the evening? Christ, the Risen One! All you disciples, the scattered multitude, who gathered you together again? Who put peace in your hearts and turned the timid lambs into lions that defy all enemies? Christ, the Risen One! And you, Saul, who snorted with threats and murder against the Lord and His church, who threw you down in the dust at the gates of Damascus? Who raised you up again and made you fit to bear the name of Jesus before kings, princes and nations? Who has made you willing and strong to let yourself be reviled and hated? Christ, the Risen One!
All you martyrs, from Stephen onwards, what drove you so joyfully to witness death? Is it a dead, forgotten, decayed Jesus for whom you bled? No, Christ, the Risen One! All you peoples who still come today from all directions, who bow before the cross and are baptized in the name of the Crucified One, you are witnesses: Christ is risen!
His church stands on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, because Jesus Christ is the cornerstone. It strides through the centuries of world history, hated to the death, fought against, but nevertheless always alive. “Through honor and dishonor, through evil tidings and good rumors; as deceivers, yet true; as unknown, yet well known; as dying, yet behold, we live; as chastened, yet not put to death; as afflicted, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing all things” (2 Corinthians 6:8-10), – for Christ is risen! He is the First and the Last and the Living One. He makes all things new. One day all knees will have to bow before him and testify: Christ is risen!
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