“Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”
Psalm 50:15
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,
With a joyful and thankful heart, I would like to share my testimony of what the Lord has done for me. I thank our mighty and faithful God for His grace and for the privilege of being a child of God, and that I can say it is well with my soul.
“Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.” Psalm 50:15
It was very difficult to not grow up in a Christian home, hear of Sunday school or attend church until I was 20 years old. In January 1987 when I started dating my now-husband Jake, he took me to the Church of God in Steinbach, Manitoba. I noticed the people there had a kind of joy that I longed for. Jake give me a Bible and I started reading in Matthew. I came to chapter 5 verse 8 where we read, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” I paused and thought, is that even possible? A pure heart?
We got married in 1988 and started attending the Church of God. Shortly after, when the Lord called me by name, I followed and received this pure heart that I was longing to have. I was baptized a few months later, for which I praise the Lord! I would like to share with you the many times the Lord has helped me when I was in need and so very sick, even to the point of death.
In April 1983 I had to go to the emergency room. I was in so much pain. After talking to the doctor and doing different tests, he told me they would have to do surgery during the night, if not, I would die. My appendix had ruptured three days prior and even though at that point I hadn’t experienced salvation yet, the Lord had a purpose for me and spared my life.
In October 1985 I woke up with a lot of pain and extremely high fever. I attempted to take a pill while my family slept, but I ended up unconscious on the kitchen floor. We went to the hospital where they took my temperature. When they learned that I had already been unconscious, they were shocked that I even woke up with the temperature that high. They informed me that I could have died. Again, the Lord spared my life.
In August 2013 I woke up one morning with a lot of pain and very high fever. My husband took me to the emergency room. After being in the hospital for a week, they did surgery and removed my gall bladder, but it didn’t make any difference. Three weeks later the doctor came and told me he had given up on me. He tried so hard to get me better but without success. The only thing he could do was send a specialist to my room to see if he could help me. We kept on praying for the Lord’s help. He heard our prayers and after more tests were done, they determined that abscesses caused the infections and high fever. After treating them, I got better. I was told that I had been on the edge of death, and again the Lord healed me. We read in Matthew 19 verse 26b, “with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
In October 2018 I had a thermography done, knowing there was a possibility of bad news. Three days later I got a call from the doctor’s office saying that I needed to go and have a biopsy done. The results showed that I had fast-growing breast cancer. The very first doctor who came to mind was Jesus. In faith I was able to lay it at the feet of Jesus. In March of this year 2020 I had all the tests done, and all the tests were clear. I cannot thank the Lord enough for healing me so many times, and I’m so thankful for our church family. Hearing them pray for me in every service meant so much to me. I will serve the Lord all the days of my life.
Your sister in Christ,
Lisa Wieler
Seminole, Texas
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