Dearest Mom,
First I would like to wish you a blessed Mothers Day! I thank God that He chose you to be my mother. I have often heard that children appreciate their parents more the older they get. I am still quite young and have not had the opportunity to learn to appreciate you more than I do, but I know that it is just through God’s grace that I still have you.
When I begin to think about the things I am thankful for to you, my list very quickly is long. Firstly, I am so thankful that you have shared Jesus with me since I was a baby. Whether it was through Bible stories at nighttime or even in the special “Mom and Dad Cassettes.” Those were so special and I will never forget them. The stories and songs with your voice could never be replaced with anything. Then I can also not thank you enough for the many hours, even years, that you sacrificed to provide me with the best schooling possible. I cannot imagine how much time and effort and energy it took you. The older I get and the more experiences I have in life, the more I appreciate this sacrifice that you gave to homeschool us until we went on to pursue other studies. I was able to have so many special experiences through this that are still some of my favorite memories.
When I think of my childhood and teenage years, then my heart also gets a little heavy because I have to think of the many times in which my behavior and decisions brought you to tears. I do not know what I thought at that time to make me think that was okay and I was right, but I now see clearly that you always just wanted what is best for me. How did you not lose your patience with me? It was clearly the strength from God for which you asked from Him daily.
When I think of my future and the possibility of being a mother myself, I get excited but also scared. I can see that it is no easy job. It takes some extraordinarily special women to be able to be described as a truly good mothers, and you top them all! I know that it takes a special amount of strength and grace from God and He does not just hand that to us, you had to ask for it. Even though our characters are quite different, in fact often they are complete opposites, there are still many things in which you are a role model to me. No matter the situation, even if someone treats you wrongly, you always remain calm and never let an angry word fall from your mouth which you would regret later. Only very few people have the grace to do this. A verse which you often quoted to us as kids was “A soft answer turns away wrath.” You were a living example of this verse. If I get scared of the future and the unknown, or I do not know what to do anymore, your first answer has always been to pray about it. Your trust in God and His plan for my life has always been an example to me and a reminder to continue to trust God, even if I often have no clue how my life will continue to unfold.
I do not have the words to describe how much you mean to me. I pray to God that He may keep you for many years to come. I am so thankful for the many hours that you have sacrificed for me, in which you have comforted me, played with me, and so many more things. Thank you for everything! I love you so very much! May God shower you with many blessings today!
With much love,
Your daughter
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