The Holy Scriptures often use trees as a symbol for people. We read in Psalm 1:3: “He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.”
On trees, we find leaves and fruit. The leaves are the embellishment of the tree and draw the attention to it. There are ornamental trees whose beauty we admire; however, they do not bear fruit. The quoted Psalm, however, talks about a tree whose leaves do not wither and that brings forth its fruit in its season. This reveals a picture of the life of a child of God, a person who has received forgiveness of sins through the Lord Jesus. This person bears fruit for his Lord and Master.
Is this your wish also, dear child of God, to bear fruit? You will find valuable tips in this Psalm. To begin with, the evil influence of the ungodly must be avoided. “Walking and standing” in the path of the sinners and “sitting” by the scornful prevents spiritual growth and robs a person of the presence of God. Included in this is all literature which hinders us from drawing nearer to the Lord.
How is it when we read the Bible, God’s inspired Word? Do we think about God’s Word? Are we planted by the rivers of His Word? Are our roots longing for this living water? If yes, then we will bear fruit. God gives us success for our service.
Let us look us to Jesus Christ. He has gone this way before us. He has created a path for us. Jesus Christ lived on this earth and glorified His Father. Let us follow Him as true servants.
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