Children's Corner


In a Sunday school class, the children were asked, “How do you think the angels in heaven do God’s will?” The children thought for a while. Then one answered and said, “They do God’s will […]

Children's Corner

Lisa’s Enemy

One day Lisa came home from school agitated and said to her mother, “If only you knew, mother, what a despicable girl I have in my class! Today she pulled my hair and called me […]

Children's Corner

Mother’s Hands

Maria often looked at her mother’s hands and wondered why they were so scarred. Once she asked, “Mom, why are your hands not like other people’s?” – But she did not get an answer until […]

Children's Corner

The First Forbidden Step!

Mrs. Richter once had to go away for a whole day. She instructed Henry to stay home until she returned. Henry did not have a problem with that. Around noon, his friend Peter came and […]

Children's Corner

Keep In Tune

Grandpa was tuning his guitar, and David was watching carefully. David thought the pretty cherry-wood sides of the guitar looked so shiny and clean after Grandpa polished it with a soft cloth. It was a […]

Children's Corner

Starting Right

One day, Lena said to her mother, “Oh, it’s so hard to always do the right thing. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do it.” “Have you really tried?” “Oh yes, Mama. I […]